The internet offers a plethora of tools to assist backgammon aficionados on their learning journeys.
Here’s a quick guide to some of the most useful backgammon resources online:
Carol Cole’s Backgammon Boutique
Carol Cole’s Tournament Listings
eXtreme Gammon
eXtreme Gammon is currently the top-rated backgammon program available for Windows and mobile devices.
Two Plus Two Backgammon Forum
US Backgammon Federation
The U.S. Backgammon Federation is dedicated to promoting backgammon in the United States. The organization publishes an online magazine called PrimeTime Backgammon and runs both live and online tournaments.
Crisloid’s sets are known for being eminently playable. The customization options today are basically unlimited. The thinking behind the sets is impressive. People often ask me where they can get a good backgammon set for themselves, for their club, for a tournament prize or for a very special gift. I send them to Crisloid. Crisloid’s sets are outstanding.
Guest Appearances
USBGF Women of Backgammon Federation: Q&A with Bill Robertie
Bill Robertie meets with the USBGF Women of Backgammon group for an informal Q&A session. Founded, and directed by women, the USBGF Women of Backgammon provides support and resources to girls, women, and gender minorities seeking to get involved in the game.
Backgammon Galaxy: Backgammon Podcast #3
In this episode of the Backgammon Podcast, Marc has a deep conversation with the Backgammon legend, author and double world champion Bill Robertie. The conversation includes:
- Bill’s career as a player and author.
- The evolution of backgammon theory.
- The difference between backgammon and chess.
- Writing the best-selling poker books “Harrington on Hold’em” series.
- Bill’s “new way of thinking” about backgammon philosophy.
Backgammon Winning Women: Bill Robertie Walks Through Four Opening Moves; Filled with numerous lessons
The opening rolls are not often at the top of the heap of things to hone as we improve our play. Automatic right? Not so much, Bill Robertie, two-time World Champion, pulls out four, yes, just four, plays to discuss and everyone there found the discussion riveting. One master player said it was a great learning lesson for beginners and for advanced players. So, whatever your level of play, don’t miss this. And for those who remember backgammon in the 70’s, Bill’s anecdote about Paul Magriel is a heart-warmer.
Alex Eshaghian interviews backgammon legend Bill Robertie.
Backgammon Expert Lessons – Watch as Bill Robertie & Lee Genud play a match for Women In Backgammon’s Backgammon Expertise Learning Series and then discuss the match.
Special guest Bill Robertie. Our guest this week is two time backgammon world champion and author, Bill Robertie. We discuss his new book, How to Play the Opening in Backgammon — Part 2: Everything Matters.