Lessons & Coaching
Do you feel stuck at your current level? Are you unhappy with your backgammon game but also unsure what to do to improve?
If you’ve studied the books and still feel frustrated, individual coaching and lessons might be the answer.
Improve your game and have more fun playing backgammon with personal one-on-one lessons and coaching from two-time world champion Bill Robertie, who works with backgammon enthusiasts by phone, over and in-person (Boston only).
Our most popular packages are listed below, and Robertie also offers individual lessons. Use the form at the bottom of the page to create a custom session.
Backgammon lessons make a great gift, whether for you or for someone else!
Lesson Packages
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Correct Your Mistakes
Programs like eXtreme Gammon identify mistakes but they do not help you to stop making them. Bill Robertie will.
3 hrs of personal lessons & coaching @ $150/hr = $450
5 hrs of personal lessons & coaching @ $150/hr = $750
7 hrs of personal lessons & coaching @ $150/hr = $1050
Ask the Expert (Positional Play)
Two-time world champion Bill Robertie will answer your questions about positions that come up over-the-board or while playing eXtreme Gammon.
3 hrs of personal lessons & coaching @ $150/hr = $450
5 hrs of personal lessons & coaching @ $150/hr = $750
7 hrs of personal lessons & coaching @ $150/hr = $1050
Custom Session
Have you been playing backgammon for a while and know what you wish was better about your game? Are you a backgammon beginner and unsure where to start? Is it your goal to become a world-class backgammon player? Here’s your chance to work with two-time world champion Bill Robertie to improve your play and boost your confidence.
3 hrs of personal lessons & coaching @ $150/hr = $450
5 hrs of personal lessons & coaching @ $150/hr = $750
7 hrs of personal lessons & coaching @ $150/hr = $1050
One-Hour Talk with Bill Robertie
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Can my kids take backgammon lessons with you?
In my experience, younger kids (under, say, age 16) take to chess because it’s a game of pure logic. Backgammon – based on odds and probabilities – is totally different.
I have generally found that children under the age of 16 do not enjoy individual, or one-on-one, backgammon lessons. Thus, I do not offer them. But in-person backgammon lessons with a parent and child are often fun for both parties. Parent-and-child sessions can be booked by special arrangement in Boston only.
To arrange a special parent-and-child session, email me at or call me at 781-641-2091.
Bill Robertie
Do you offer seminars for private clubs or groups?
Two-time world champion Bill Robertie offers backgammon seminars to private clubs and groups throughout the United States and in Europe.
Here’s Bill speaking with the USBGF Women of Backgammon:
For more information and to make arrangements, email or call Bill Robertie at 781-641-2091.
Contact Bill
Create your lesson

Phone or lessons and coaching sessions require a minimum of one hour and a maximum of two.
In-person lessons and coaching sessions require a minimum of two hours and a maximum of four.
Questions? Email or call (781) 641-2091.