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How to Play the Opening in Backgammon/Part 3 – Order From Chaos
How to Play the Opening in Backgammon/Part 3 – Order from Chaos covers some key opening concepts that weren’t discussed in Books 1 and 2 and sheds some light on some situations that haven’t really been described in the literature at all.
The third chapter, for example, talks about the Outfield. When do you run to the outfield, and when don’t you? But even more important, what do you do when you run to the outfield and don’t get hit? Do you quickly run that blot to safety, or do you recognize that the blot is now as much an asset as a liability, and leave him where he is?
The last chapter discusses doubling in the very early part of the game, in positions which aren’t blitzes. Such doubles not only exist, but are much more common than you might think. The book lays out some examples and rules of thumb for identifying these doubles. And the chapter concludes with some advice for avoiding that most dreaded of opening traps – the horrific Blockhead Blockchain!
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Info: 142 pages, 223 diagrams, softbound
Price: $50 + S/H
Bill's Latest
Early Doubles
Cash game, center cube.
Should White double? If he doubles, should Black take or drop?
In the last post we talked about the importance of cube benchmark positions — positions where one of the cube decisions (either doubling or taking) was perfectly marginal, while the other was completely clear. Learning typical benchmark positions gives us the ability to analyze a wide variety of related positions over the board with unusual accuracy.
This position shows us another type of useful benchmark. We’re currently just four moves into the game. The opening sequence was
White: 5-3, making the 3-point.
Black: 4-3, bringing down two builders.
White: 6-2, hitting.
Black: 6-3, dancing.
With Black on the bar and White clearly having the upper hand, White now contemplates a double. Considering Sylvester’s three criteria for offering an initial double, here’s how White stands:
Race: solid edge for White. His hit and Black’s fan leaves White up 25 pips, 151 to 176.
Threats: small edge for White. He’s threatening to hit Black’s other blot, but White’s weak board means this is really just a threat to gain a little more ground in the race.
Position: Small but solid edge for White. He has a 2-point board, while Black’s board is undeveloped. White’s extra point, however, is just the 3-point, and there’s no prime in the immediate future. White has almost escaped one of his back checkers, another plus.
To summarize, White has a sizeable edge only in the race, while his other edges are small. Rollouts show that this is a small but correct double, which of course means that the take is very clear. White’s problem is simply that a big lead in the race isn’t as significant as one might think if the inner board is weak. The most likely sequences in that case are ones in which Black easily makes a good anchor or exchanges of hits occur; either of these scenarios minimizes White’s racing lead.
If you were at all tempted to drop this position as Black, just remember that the combination of a weak board, few builders, and an anchor for Black almost always guarantees an easy take. That’s the case here.
Once you know the value of this position in a cash game, you can easily make some practical adjustments for tournament play. If White were trailing in a match, this would be an easy double. If White were the better player, it would also be an easy double, since this will be a long game and White should expect to outplay Black in the later maneuvering.
Guest Appearances
USBGF Women of Backgammon Federation: Q&A with Bill Robertie
Bill Robertie meets with the USBGF Women of Backgammon group for an informal Q&A session. Founded, and directed by women, the USBGF Women of Backgammon provides support and resources to girls, women, and gender minorities seeking to get involved in the game.
Backgammon Galaxy: Backgammon Podcast #3
In this episode of the Backgammon Podcast, Marc has a deep conversation with the Backgammon legend, author and double world champion Bill Robertie. The conversation includes:
- Bill's career as a player and author.
- The evolution of backgammon theory.
- The difference between backgammon and chess.
- Writing the best-selling poker books "Harrington on Hold'em" series.
- Bill's "new way of thinking" about backgammon philosophy.
The opening rolls are not often at the top of the heap of things to hone as we improve our play. Automatic right? Not so much, Bill Robertie, two-time World Champion, pulls out four, yes, just four, plays to discuss and everyone there found the discussion riveting. One master player said it was a great learning lesson for beginners and for advanced players. So, whatever your level of play, don't miss this. And for those who remember backgammon in the 70's, Bill's anecdote about Paul Magriel is a heart-warmer.
Backgammon Books
A good book by a backgammon expert can provide game-changing information at a reasonable price which players can absorb at their own pace. The Gammon Press store stocks essential reads by Bill Robertie and Kit Woolsey, along with the works of Bob Wachtel, Peter Bell and others.
If you want to improve your backgammon game, this is the place to start.