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The premier source for backgammon books, lessons & blog problems.

“I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on your book How to Play the Opening in Backgammon. A masterpiece! What a wealth of knowledge! This must have been a painstakingly difficult book to write and you completely knocked it out of the park.”

How to Play the Opening in Backgammon/Part 1 – A New Way of Thinking

Bill Robertie

How to Play the Opening in Backgammon/Part 1 – A New Way of Thinking looks at opening positions in terms of assets and liabilities with an emphasis on balance and giving you the tools to be able to spot the often-not-obvious best play quickly over the board.

In the Introduction, Bill Robertie writes, “The opening occurs in every game. By definition, you will be faced with more opening problems which will account for the highest proportion of your errors. The goal of this book is to present a new way of looking at opening positions and to drive home the very important point that in the opening everything matters.”

A careful study of How to Play the Opening in Backgammon/Part 1 – A New Way of Thinking will help you develop a sense of how stacks, stripped points, blots, the position of the back checkers, and the race all exert an effect on your play. Putting these pieces together combined with an understanding of how they influence a position will let you take a big step toward playing better backgammon.

Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Info: 144 pages, 281 diagrams, softbound
Price: $50 + S/H