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“I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on your book How to Play the Opening in Backgammon. A masterpiece! What a wealth of knowledge! This must have been a painstakingly difficult book to write and you completely knocked it out of the park.”

How to Play the Opening in Backgammon/Part 3 – Order From Chaos

How to Play the Opening in Backgammon/Part 3 – Order from Chaos covers some key opening concepts that weren’t discussed in Books 1 and 2 and sheds some light on some situations that haven’t really been described in the literature at all.

The third chapter, for example, talks about the Outfield. When do you run to the outfield, and when don’t you? But even more important, what do you do when you run to the outfield and don’t get hit? Do you quickly run that blot to safety, or do you recognize that the blot is now as much an asset as a liability, and leave him where he is?

The last chapter discusses doubling in the very early part of the game, in positions which aren’t blitzes. Such doubles not only exist, but are much more common than you might think. The book lays out some examples and rules of thumb for identifying these doubles. And the chapter concludes with some advice for avoiding that most dreaded of opening traps – the horrific Blockhead Blockchain!

Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Info: 142 pages, 223 diagrams, softbound
Price: $50 + S/H